The requirement & the main purpose of my project
What is the main purpose?? 01 to provide/bring back some analog choices that we don't have in current cellphone-communication process. 02 to put an emphasis on emotional needs/actual needs, try to propose some potential solutions to these user's needs, see if the technology can provide any form of help instead of constrain. What is the requirement for my project to be successful? 01 user study....I need more people's real life experiences to tell what are the most common seen emotional needs 02 prototype..... to make my project/proposal easier to understand by providing the visual of the scenarios. (actual implementation? video? animation?) 03 research....research for precedents that related to technology that help resolve human(emotional needs or non-emotional needs) needs, also research on how technology shape people's behavior and form social protocol ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// some thoughts for the experiments : 01...