
Showing posts from February, 2008

data collection& idea development how do cell-phone shape our behavior? * being late is easier , text msg / call to inform the waiting one( or change plan at the last min) * breaking up with out meeting in person ( or do something else important) * no talking to "unknown" people anymore , like the brother/mother of the girl you are pursuing * check up your cell phone constantly become normal behavior, whether there is important agenda or not. * always concern about the signal, trying to get signal all the time( elevator, tunnel, subway) * the boundary between private and public is vaguer than before, especially when someone ignore the "polite protocol" of using cell phone and force others to share his conversation * the default status of your phone should be "ON" * people get stressful when others left their phones ringing without picking up ( either don't have the knowledge of putting it to vibrate mod...

idea development

Virtual secretary>>virtual hierarchy>>relationship map>>emotional record


Can't technology become "customized"and "tech-idiot friendly"? cant we have multiple choices, includes the freedom "not to use" technology without being discriminated? Is the "convenience" that technology bring to us really "always" good? The process of developing your project f)defining questions,ie, users, purpose h) g)look for inspiration, research, reading related papers h)bounce ideas,discuss w friends,colleagues,pros a)concept-ideas b)look@similar projects c)sketch out ideas until u like it i)3 or 4 ideas might b able to mearge into one d)do it h) j)user testing feedback k)iteration e)trail error //what bout research process? writing a paper, coming up w a written text biography search, decipher primary source a)Primary research(what u actually do) B)Secondary research (othe...

Prototype ideas & Precedents

Although personal eye-sight is part of our privacy, sometimes people like to share. For example, people share their on-line album to show their unique perspective or life experience. By showing our visions we create our identity. I think it would be popular if people can create their own clothing or handbags, simply through taking video/snapshot and show it on/with you can be unique. I thought about my grandpa first, when i-phone and other super phone seems to about to take over the world. He refuses to use cell phone, which sometimes worries other family members, considering his age. I guess for elder people or disabled folks, the mainstream is not doing any good to them. Instead, learning new user interface and adapting themselves to new technology are intimidating. multi-touch interface is just something way too new/inpratical and not necessary to them. I think there should be a well-designed phone for this specific group of people. As a foreigner, although I tried very hard...